Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Vegas Baby!!
Joining us for this adventure is my brother and sister-in law (or SLP Bjorgaard's as we call them), our childhood friend Sarah and her hubby Ris, and Nate and Kember from Fargo. Should be a good crew!!
We are all staying at the same place and only have booked a couple things so we can just fly by the seat of our pants. We will be going to the "The Price is Right" on Friday night. Should be fun I hear just like the tv show only different host and you won't see us on tv. On Saturday night we are checking out the club scene. We are going to Tryst night club. I can't wait to report back to everyone what a $450 bottle of booze looks like. (yep that is what it cost in order for us to get a table so we can sit down at a club-CRAZY) We fly back late Sunday so the gamblers can bet on sports in the am.
The boys will be in good hands while we are gone. Uncle Russ is driving them up to TRF so my parents can watch them for the long weekend. I'm a little nervous for Russ and the car trip but hopefully he gets there still sane enough to bring them back to us on Sunday.
So maybe some pictures to come from this great weekend but of course what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas so we will see!! Hehe
Monday, November 15, 2010
Family Pictures done right
Saturday, November 13, 2010
6 months already
It's hard to believe 6 months ago today Brayden was born on a beautiful spring day. Especially since we woke up today to our first snow fall of the year. And so far it's a doozy!! The trees looks so cool with all the thick snow covering them. A great scene to look at but sure glad today it's Saturday and we are staying inside the cozy house for the day. Though Eric is at work today hopefully making a couple sales.
We found one of our squirrel friends in the trees this morning.
Brayden continues to be a happy baby but starting to show some signs of "give me what I want right now or I'll scream until I get it." I have stopped with the breast milk so it's formula full time now. He's becoming more and more of a puker and formula puke makes me gag. The good side is he's loving his baby food. Haven't found a food he won't eat yet (though we haven't tried prunes). He's like a little bird when eating just sits there the whole time with his mouth open waiting for more.
He's almost crawling now too. He gets up on all 4's and moves his little body back and forth until he scoots forward. I'm sure by Christmas we will have a crawler. (YIKES!) His main means of movement though is rolling. He rolls everywhere until he gets stuck against a wall. He hasn't figured out how to roll the other direction yet.
Hard to believe in 6 more months our little happy camper will be 1 and the weather should be beautiful once again!!
Monday, November 8, 2010
Sunday, November 7, 2010
A Trip to the zoo
Here are some photos from our day.
Brayden on his 2nd trip to the zoo. Much more awake this time than when he was 3weeks old.
Chase and the giant tortoise.