We traveled up to TRF to visit family & friends last weekend. I always like to get up there in the fall before winter hits. Grandma Char joined us for the trip up north and we left Thursday night late. The ride went smoothly as Brayden slept and Chase watched a movie and than fell asleep.
Chase and his cute shirt!!
The Toy story clan & Bridger Favre
One darn cute chicken On Saturday we hung out with Grandma Sue and auntie Lindsay and Bridger came over. We did some Halloween crafts (Halloween craps as Chase calls them). Chase really enjoyed using the scissor and creating a mess of paper on the floor. On Saturday night I took off to go out on the big town of TRF with some friends. I left Grandma/Grandpa in charge of the boys. They had some help from my aunt Shirley/uncle Mike but come Nov 18-21 they are on their own. Eric and I with a bunch of other couples are heading to Las Vegas!!! Grandma/Grandpa are going to watch the boys while we are away. I hope Saturday night prepared them for the 3 nights we are away.
On Sunday morning I got the troops packed up and we hit the road back home. Brayden feel asleep 15mins into the trip and slept for 3 hours. Chase watched half a movie and feel asleep for 2 hours. We had to stop in Little Falls to eat and give the kids a break from the car. Brayden cried for the last 40mins so it made the end of trip that much longer.
All and all a great weekend getaway. Chase is looking forward to Halloween on Sunday as am I since it's my favorite holiday.