Should I put my finger in it or wait?
Looks like an angel here.

Uncle Russ got him a trike & helmet
could ride the trike. She didn't hesitate for a sec.

2 candles to mark the day and a new Woody doll too.

2 candles to mark the day and a new Woody doll too.
On Sunday Chase turned the big 2. We had a Mickey Mouse BBQ on Sunday with family and friends. We had Mickey mouse burgers, brats, and of course hot dogs. Grandma Char made her potato salad and Grandma Sue helped make his Mickey mouse birthday cake.
Chase enjoyed opening his gifts more this year. He got a summer wardrobe, Toy Story stuff, books, Thomas the train set, some movies, and a trike from Uncle Russ. And many more great things. His favorite gift actually came from us. We got him a Woody doll from the movie Toy Story. He hasn't put it down since than.
I can't believe it's already been 2 years since Chase's birth. We went on a Wed that week and finally had him early Friday morning. So worth the wait and pain. He's developed into such a little man. The things he repeats now are crazy. He's a smart little boy who knows his ABC's, colors, counts to almost 20, and is now learning his shapes. He loves playing sports, the WII, and going to the park. All in all a typical little boy (I guess). We are very blessed to have this healthy little guy in our lives. And to think I didn't want a boy and now can't imagine not having one.
His 2 year appointment could of went a lot better. As soon as we got back to the exam room. He just started to cry and they weren't even doing anything to him. It was the longest 15 min ever. Cried through the whole appointment and even tried leaving the room a couple times. I'm just going to say Eric owes me for this one. He didn't even need shots at this appointment. So not sure where all the drama was coming from but it was extremely ugly.
His status at 2 years are: weight-34 lbs (96%), height-36 1/4 inches (90%), and head-19 3/4 (90%). She said he was healthly and a strong little guy.
cute cute!